What is Human Anatomy:

Human Anatomy is the study of the structure of the human body and how the body parts are organized.

What is Human Physiology:

Human Physiology is the study of the functions of body parts.
Region of the Human Body :
The Human Body Consists of Four Region
  1. Upper limb / Upper Extremity / Superior Limb  / Superior Extremity
  2. Lower Limb / Lower Extremity / Inferior Limb / Inferior Extremity
  3. Body Trunk / Thorax & Abdomen / Chest & Upper + Lower Abdomen
  4. Head, Neck & Brain

Upper limb / Upper Extremity / Superior Limb  / Superior Extremity :

The Space from the top of the Shoulder Joint to the tip of the finger is known as upper limb.
Upper limb consists of Three Region & Three big Joint.

Three Region are
  1. Arm
  2. Fore-Arm
  3. Hand
Three Big Joint are :
  1. Shoulder Joint
  2. Elbow Joint
  3. Wrist Joint
Lower Limb / Lower Extremity / Inferior Limb / Inferior Extremity :
The Space from the top of the Hip Joint to the tip of the Toe is known as Lower limb.
Lower limb consists of Three Region & Three big Joint.

Three Region are
  1. Thigh
  2. Leg
  3. Foot
Three Big Joint are:
  1. Hip Joint
  2.  Knee Joint
  3.  Ankle Joint
Body Trunk / Thorax & Abdomen / Chest & Upper + Lower Abdomen :


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